I was with my niece recently, who is a young mother and has three young children at home. I was reminded of that season in my life, and it created such a renewed burden for you young mothers who are giving your lives and devoting yourselves to raising young children. Here are some encouragements to keep in mind during this short season in your life.

This is a calling, and if you don’t see this as a calling of God on your life, an important stewardship from God, then you are going to tend to grow weary in this season of your life. It stretches you to limits that you’ve likely never been stretched to before; you’re often sleep-deprived, sometimes food-deprived. Our Savior has entrusted this little one to you. Remember to never, never deprive your soul of the spiritual food it needs on a daily basis to strengthen you for this task that God has called you to. Children are not an inconvenience. We need to be gripped by this calling.

This is just a season. Motherhood can be very difficult because, in a sense, it is a very thankless job. Motherhood is tireless and 24/7. However, this season is just a tiny little window in the light of eternity. If you devote yourself in this tiny little window to impact the lives of your children, you will never regret giving yourself entirely to that.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (3 John 1:4)

Use every opportunity to point to Jesus. While training your children, every outburst can be used to point them to their sin and their need for a Savior. Pray with your children. Read the Bible with your children. Let the gospel be a part of your daily interactions. When correcting them, we do not want to crush their will, but to reflect a God who bends our will as we are conformed more and more into the image of His Son. This is how God deals with us as His children, and there will be fruit in our parenting if we are faithful.

My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.” (Proverbs 23:26)

What you want from them is their heart. Parenting is more than just the practical things. It is giving them your attention, your time, and your life. That takes effort and patience, it takes a willingness to sit still and be with that one child. It’s an investment of time, to get down on their level and do whatever they like to do. You will reap the benefits if you see this as a relationship that you are nurturing year after year.

Pray. I know personally I need to pray for patience every morning. I need to pray for self-control with my tongue, to be loving, and kind, to have words of wisdom, and not to speak harshly. I need to pray that I will discipline without anger, consistently, and faithfully.

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

You will reap. There are a lot of keywords in that verse. This is hard work, but you will reap the fruit of it. God is faithful to reward us for our labor in Him so long as we do not faint. Even if we are still waiting for our children to profess their faith, we don’t have to be discouraged. We can still reap the rewards of our efforts. Our effort in motherhood can still be slowly transforming our children as they learn to respect, to play kindly with their siblings, to share, and to help around the house. You can impart those things to them so that as a family you can enjoy life together.

In all the business of raising children, you want to enjoy this season. Don’t get so bogged down with all the responsibilities. Don’t lose sight that this is your calling and there is so much joy to be had. “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain(1 Cor 15:58). Give yourself to this ministry, this is your mission field. God is true to His word; you can put your trust in Him.


This article was adapted from a video by Ruby Conway, used with her permission. Ruby is the wife of Tim Conway, one of the elders at Grace Community Church in San Antonio, TX, and a missionary in Manchester, England. They have four children.


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